ENTREE | Profile | Olivia Brooks
Olivia Brooks

Olivia Brooks


Data Scientist

R Specialist

About me

Olivia Brooks is a data scientist with a passion for statistical modeling and data visualization in R. She enjoys exploring complex datasets and uncovering insights that drive business strategy.


R Programming


Data Visualization

Predictive Analytics


My Projects

Predictive Analytics for Retail

Predictive Analytics for Retail

Developed a predictive analytics model in R to forecast retail sales and optimize inventory levels.

Customer Segmentation with R

Customer Segmentation with R

Used R to segment customers based on purchasing behavior, enabling more targeted marketing strategies.

ggplot2 Data Visualization Package

ggplot2 Data Visualization Package

Created a custom ggplot2 package for advanced data visualizations tailored to business presentations.

A/B Testing Analysis

A/B Testing Analysis

Conducted A/B testing analysis in R to help businesses make data-driven decisions based on experiment results.

Churn Rate Prediction

Churn Rate Prediction

Built a predictive model to identify customers at risk of churn using statistical techniques in R.